Monday, February 8, 2010

Mini Dynamo Toys How Do You Make A Mini Dynamo On A Toy Bicycle?

How do you make a mini dynamo on a toy bicycle? - mini dynamo toys

I do a physics project and I want to explain how a dynamo, links where the thermal cycler cycles would be very grateful up.Useful and flashlight! | Thanks!


Larry said...

A dynamo electric generator is simple: / wiki / Electrical_gener ...

"A dynamo machine consists of a fixed structure that generates a constant magnetic field and a rotating coil, which in turn in this area. In small machines the constant magnetic field can, by one or more permanent magnets"

Larry said...

A dynamo electric generator is simple: / wiki / Electrical_gener ...

"A dynamo machine consists of a fixed structure that generates a constant magnetic field and a rotating coil, which in turn in this area. In small machines the constant magnetic field can, by one or more permanent magnets"

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